Logo type
Simple yet straightforward without unnecessary decorative elements, it conveys the identity of Hanseo well. The emblem was made with a the letters H and S, the initials of the company name ‘Hanseo’, and the heavy stroke of the font expresses the safety and reliability that Hanseo has provided based on its technical expertise. The slanted ‘H’ and ‘S’ represent the company’s innovative spirit and initiatives for its future growth. The main color of the CI is blue, representing honesty and trust, highlighting the characteristics of Hanseo boasting its solid foundation.
The signature is a combination of the key elements of a CI: A mark and a logo type. When using a signature, the proportion, spacing, or size should not be altered arbitrarily, and the signature usage rules must be followed.
Dedicated colors
The dedicated colors used in the CI of Hanseo are divided into main and sub colors. Careful attention is required to use the dedicated colors in a proper way; when implementing it in 4 process colors or RGB, the given criteria should be followed. If you have any questions about the usage of CI, please consult with the CI management department.
Main Color
Sub Color
Color usage for different background colors
A white background is the default for our CI, but a variety of background colors can be used, as the occasion demands. If you have any special occasion regarding the use of the CI, please consult with the CI management department.