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Management meeting in March 2023
  • Writer 관리자
  • Created 2023.03.29
  • Views 1313

Hanseo PRECISION INDUSTRY CO., LTD. held a management meeting in March 2023 in the conference room at 09:00 on the 07th.
At the meeting, which was attended by Hanseo, CEO Hong Seok-bong, executives, and team leaders of each department, they had time to come up with measures to strengthen the business system through close performance analysis and preemptive and regular management. 
CEO Hong thanked executives and employees who have been striving to achieve their performance over the past month and urged them to work together in 2023, when they focus on reducing costs and generating profits.
Finally, CEO Hong stressed the importance of substantial corporate growth, saying, "We ask each department head to communicate with the department members with goals and proceed with their work."